Program Duta Guru

Program Duta Guru (PDG) is a joint initiative between Yayasan PETRONAS and the Ministry of Education Malaysia (MOE) through the Education Policy Planning and Research Division (EPRD) and Teach For Malaysia (TFM) as implementation partner and Petrosains as STEM Hub implementator partner, which is a nationwide multi-year industry-linked programme to strengthen the capabilities of STEM teachers serving schools with a majority of B40 students.

We believe that STEM education is a catalyst to produce talents that can address the complexities and 21st century challenges for Malaysia to progress and remain competitive globally. However, the number of students choosing STEM related subjects have been declining year-on-year mostly due to lack of competency and interest.

As such, we look to our teachers to increase STEM interest and competency among pupils. We also recognise and appreciate teachers for their critical role in achieving 60:40 STEM enrolment – leading to the nation’s success.

Thus, Program Duta Guru is developed to enrich STEM educators for Malaysia’s sustainable future.

Our Goal

Program Duta Guru aims to empower 4,500 teachers to be highly capable STEM educators; serving as role models in enhancing students’ (especially the underprivileged) interest and competency in STEM education and in strengthening their higher order thinking skills by 2030.

The Approach

Program Duta Guru complements MOE’s existing teacher development programmes through 3 Strategic Priorities – 

  • Training & Coaching: Support teachers with on-the-ground and virtual coaching and support.
  • Content: Curate high-quality STEM pedagogy and curriculum content.
  • Infrastructure: Provide teachers access to the latest STEM teaching and learning resources i.e. STEM Hub.

The design and development of Program Duta Guru will be guided “by the teachers, for the teachers”. 

Program Duta Guru Components

Program Duta Guru incites passion and raises capabilities amongst teachers for integrated STEM teaching, in a supportive ecosystem of teachers and stakeholders to obtain optimal increases in students’ interest and competencies in STEM education.

It also recognises and appreciates teachers for their critical role in achieving 60:40 national STEM enrolment – leading to the nation’s success.

Program Duta Guru offers teachers:

  • Learning Cycles: 12 training events embedded into 4 learning cycles across 2 years.
  • Coaching & Support: Continuous support from PDG Coaches (SISC+ officers) and Programme Coordinators.
  • Project Based Learning planning & STEM Innovation Project: Building experiential learning for students through Project Based Learning and community projects.
  • Industry Exposure: Through the National Symposium that gathers participants from all over Malaysia with industry experts through keynote speeches, workshops, and exhibitions.

For more programmatic information, you may visit our implementation partner’s website.


Since January 2020, 496 Duta Gurus have graduated from the programme in its first 3 cohorts.

Each cohort will undergo a 2-year upskilling programme. Every year, we are looking for teachers who meet the following criteria:

  1. STEM teachers in secondary schools who are teaching STEM and/or Geography.
  2. All secondary schools under KPM supervision.
  3. Teachers with permanent position with minimum remaining at least 10 years of service.
  4. Receive approval from Principal (encouraged).
  5. Teachers who can commit to PDG journey for 2 years.
  6. Teachers from schools with a majority of B40 students (advantage).

Engagement To Date

More than 1300 STEM teachers in total enrolled in the programme.

194 School Improvement Specialist Coaches are involved as Pembimbing PDG.

145 District Education Offices are involved in the programme.

6 Zones Nationwide.

+82 Overall Net Promoter Score on average across cohorts (Cohort 1 – Cohort 3) up till End of Year 2022*.

80% of Principals recognised that Program Duta Guru teachers had created a positive impact on other teachers.

Important Links for PDG Cohort 6 Application: